Saturday, June 4, 2011

Week Ending 04 June

Holidays are here again - Always good to have a break and that goes for mum as well. First couple of days were spent relaxing with our own program. Ko is now officially off home school so that means, getting hold of the official transcripts from KL and college shall begin. So there's Disted, Segi, Inti and YST, where shall we start?

We had our first practice for the string quartet for a performance at a wedding at Hard Rock. The practice was held at a house near Gembira Parade and uncle Tham was very kind to offer me a lift there and home. Met up with JuL again (previous meet for dinner at Golden Triangle, QB). He plays 2nd violin very well.

So, what's next on the holiday menu? :) YES, dad booked us on a trip to BKK so it was packing time. So exciting when news of the trip came through an sms at Macs.

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