Its the last week of school and things are pretty relaxing or intense, depends on how you see it, ha ha. Everyone is getting all excited with holidays so Thurs outing to GP will be fun. Choir practices will be intensified with 2 practices starting this week (Mon & Thurs) Orchestral practices will re-start for me, after an absence of almost 2 months. Next week will be the Yamaha G5 exam for sis and thereafter, the church camp at Camerons.
I suppose it's a good time to take stock and look at what lies ahead in 2011. A nostalgic reminiscience of how God has guided and taken each of us in the direction He knows best.
Sis took her diagnotic test and looking very much to being a home schooler next year. Mum & Dad seemed happy with her decision to do so, albeit the matter of continuing college studies in penang. That's not a problem mum :)
Since Wed was a public holiday, RT took me to Mrs S home with CH for a session of chopin. Must say that this was such an experience and encouragement to me. I find myself so drawn to piano playing right now, wanting to be able to hammer out as much from it as possible, ha ha. Evening was spent in the pool and dinner at E's apartment.
Friday was my first orchestra practice with PSO after weeks of absence.
Aunty C came on Friday and will probably go back to KL on Tues. Sat was PT market for the elderly ladies :) Attended the film show at youth time which was true story re-enacted as a gospel film. Dinner and choc cake for the rest of the night with Angs & Cheahs. Happy Birthday Aunty A.
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