Monday, November 22, 2010

Yamaha Grade 5 Piano exam

Let's see now - yeah, i know i told my parents that i wasn't so nervous this time round but when the alarm sounded, i kinda feel different this morning. Right - nervous, aarghh. Told dad about it and so good for his calming assurance that things will work out fine after all the hours of class and practices i have put in.

Going there early in the morning and being the first candidate did not calm down the nerves but while waiting, i was getting rather excited and ready to go. One look at the other candidates told me that they were in the same boat as i was. 10 mins to prepare for impro and into the exam room i went.

Hey, i did pretty good - even KJ like my Scarlatti, which according to him, was played with lots of expression. Thanks teacher R. Motives and impro soon followed but on the whole, i did pretty good except for his usual comment 'could do with more expressions'.

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